Pest Control Hertfordshire

Taking the Sting out of Pest Control!

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Keep rats and mice at bay!

Rats and mice do not cohabit for one very simple reason – rats eat mice!
We will therefore look at each species separately for the most obvious things to avoid.


  • Did you know…Over 70% of indoor rat infestations involve a family pet? Usually cats and dogs! Cat & dog food has an irresistible smell to rodents and especially rats which can pick up on its aroma at more than 20 metres! So to be on the safe side always store dry pet food in airtight containers (stores in smells and keeps food fresh) and never leave uneaten food out in bowls for pets to pick at.
  • Avoid excessive bird feeding and always clear away any remaining, uneaten food before nightfall.
  • Ensure all food waste is stored away securely. Always store rubbish in a secure lidded bins rather than exposed bin bags lying in the open.
  • Keep gardens clean and tidy and avoid accumulations of weeds, overgrown shrubs and piles of wood, clutter and suitable water catchments.
  • Compost heaps are a huge draw for rats so ensure they are mounted on a concrete base and reinforced with wire to the lower third.
  • Decking can provide a suitable harbourage for rats and especially if factors similar to those above are close by. Check decking regularly for signs of gaps and holes approximately 50 – 90 mm across which appear to be well used.
  • Don’t abuse the drains! With 98% of all rat infestations originating from the drainage system we need to be mindful of what we pour down the sink or put through the toilets. No fat, oils, sanitary towels, condoms, so called “flushable wipes”, disposable nappies, cotton buds etc. Human waste and toilet paper only through toilets – please! No food through the sink.


  • Mice hate cold damp environments which is why they invade buildings and homes even more during the colder months.
  • Contrary to popular belief mice can only get through a 5 mm gap NOT a 5 mm hole.
  • Check external door thresholds and close these off if a gap of more than 5 mm exists.
  • Check the outside of the building and close off all suitable rodent entry points.
  • Do not use expanding foam as a means to close off rodent holes. It’s like using a chocolate fireguard!
  • Don’t make life easy for them! Mice only require up to 4 grains of rice per day to survive so clear all food spillages in the home and store ALL boxed or bagged food stuffs in airtight containers in upper cupboards. Remember! If rodents can’t smell it . . . they won’t challenge the building to get to it!
  • Ensure ALL food waste is secured in lidded bins either inside or outside the building.
  • Pet food is a HUGE draw to rodents. Don’t be tempted to leave uneaten cat and dog food in bowls around the house.
  • Mice view anything larger than them as a predator so forget the adage that if you have cats you won’t get mice! I have seen mice pinch food from a cat bowl while the feline sleeps not more than five feet away!
  • Close off all viable rodent entry points in floors and walls to ALL rooms.

We specialise in rodent proofing repairs to make mouse and rat problems a thing of the past – permanently! Call David today on 0800 118 21 01