Bed Bugs
Intense and thorough treatments start at £90.00 per room including up to two visits. You can arrange your detailed inspection and quotation by calling David today on Freephone 0800 118 2101 or 07761 373 060. David is the leading Hertfordshire pest control expert – call today.
Bedbugs and how to deal with them:
The term Bedbugs is often confused with bed mites but in reality the two species are very different. Bed mites are microscopic insects found in 99% of all used beds and for all intense and purposes are usually harmless. Bedbugs however are up to 5 mm long, rustic brown in colour and easily visible with the naked eye.
This species has been the blight of man since he arrived on the planet taking a hefty blood meal every 3 -5 days from us humans as we sleep. Once thought to be a pest species of the past they are back with a vengeance! Bedbug infestations are making a huge comeback due to the large number of people moving from place to place, plus of course public ignorance.
Bites from semi to fully grown Bedbugs are quite noticeable and can cause itching and redness. Blood spotting on bed linen is also quite common due to the bug’s excessive and sloppy feeding habits. Clutches of small white eggs are laid close to areas of harbourage every few days.
Call-outs to deal with this species are increasing by 20% year on year which is a very worrying trend. To make matters worse even the most experienced pest controllers will all agree that these are the most difficult insects to treat and eradicate effectively.
Treatments are time consuming and have to be intense and extremely thorough using high quality professional products if eradication is to be successful.
If you think it’s a case of just changing the mattress and using a DIY spray then think again? These are a REAL challenge
We can conduct a thorough treatment procedure to eradicate bedbugs, and it’s guaranteed. Call us now!
You can arrange your detailed inspection and quotation by calling David today on Freephone 0800 118 2101 or 07761 373 060
Finding all the harbourage areas of bedbugs and their eggs is crucial to a satisfactory treatment procedure.